To Brew Wine A Nice Hobby
When I thirty years ago seriously got a interest for the subject fruit wine and home brewing there has been a big change in this area. Today it almost has character of the industry. From been something that some crazy people did for a few months under the year under the fruit season, is it today about every fifth household that brews wine or has tried brewing.
The home brewer today has big advantages of the development that has taken place in the wine production, especially the knowledge that have in later years the bas for production of wine in the wine industry. Right used has new ingredients, that has come to, been improvements in the result so that less is left for chance. The quality of the ingredients has also been approved, especially some new wine ferment.
It has been years since the first addition of “Home production” came out and I thought it was time to update the book to today’s level, so it can be to help for today’s home brewer, wine clubs or other interested people who have though of starting to brew wine. Wine brewing doesn’t exist just because it is suppose to be cheap, but it is supposed to be fun to develop your own product.
Food making is a popular interest and wine belongs to one of the most gastronome pleasurably subjects. We don’t use wine so much as spice in food cocking because it’s expensive. If you have a bottle for a few pennies, you don’t have to think about using a few bottles white wine to cock fish in, or maybe use a bottle of red wine for the vinegar, or a splash of your own rosehip sherry for the sass. There are many opportunities.
It maybe seems insurmountable to start alone even if you feel like it, many has gone together in small brewing teams, they help each other, have fun together and exchange experiences.
If you want to start, I shall in the coming episodes deliver some of my own experiences that I myself mixed with tips from other wine brewers. So that you to can have the joy to brew the houses own speciality.